Midyear Exam (Right click on the link and choose SAVE AS.)
Open the file using either Word or Open Office.
Print and staple the exam and any other documents relating to it when you are done.
This is a silent exam. There are dividers up between computers to help you focus on your own work.
Your exam is 20% of your semester grade.
Site Project:
If you have not handed in your portfolio for the project, you should do so today.
- Prints of your blog posts
- Screenshots of your progress on the site
- A copy of the template with the changes you have made to it clearly indicated.
Continuing study in Technology at DHS
- Computer Programming and C
- Computer Programming in Java
- Computer Applications
- Principles of Technology
- Technology and Engineering (Full year, 5 credits)
- Building and Reparing Computers
- Robotics
After school
Middle School robotics team
This spring, we are starting up an underwater robotics team at the middle school. If you would like to help as a mentor, meet with Mr. Connors on Friday after the exam. We will meet on Fridays at the middle school.
After school projects
So now you know how do do lots of interesting stuff. Come by in the afternoon to create some great personal projects.
Thanks for your enthusiasm in web design class.
The completed template and portfolio is due by the end of school on Friday.
The completed template and portfolio is due by the end of school on Friday.
The completed template and portfolio is due by the end of school on Friday.
Your porfolio should include:
Each of your 10 posts (or more) printed individually.
A copy of your template with comments demonstrating what you have done.
Screenshots of before and after
Prints of your Ning updates showing what you did on the site.
You should not expect to print this during class. You can come after school on Tuesday or Thursday until 3:15.
You can also print in the school library.
Your portfolio on this project should be neatly organized and presented in a project folder or ring binder.
The portfolios will be graded and handed back by the start of the exam period.
Template adjustments
Download a copy of your template
Rename the file 1-12-10template.xml
Edit the template with Notepad++
Make the changes in Notepad++, then save the file.
Go back to the LAYOUT tab in Blogger, then choose EDIT HTML
Choose upload a template to put your new template up.
Click on the VIEW BLOG link to see what your changes look like.
Use this tutorial to get started on adjusting your template.
As you work with your template, you should aim to make it not look like it did when it was the sample template.
here is a link to the series of posts:
Document today's work
Make a screenshot of your template at the start of the period
Start a Ning post so you can write about the changes you make as you go.
Use the screenshot as the graphic for the post.
At the end of the period, make another screenshot to show what you have done.
Template adjustments
Download a copy of your template
Rename the file 1-11-10template.xml
Edit the template with Notepad++
Make the changes in Notepad++, then save the file.
Go back to the LAYOUT tab in Blogger, then choose EDIT HTML
Choose upload a template to put your new template up.
Click on the VIEW BLOG link to see what your changes look like.
Use this tutorial to get started on adjusting your template.
As you work with your template, you should aim to make it not look like it did when it was the sample template.
here is a link to the series of posts:
Document today's work
Make a screenshot of your template at the start of the period
Start a Ning post so you can write about the changes you make as you go.
Use the screenshot as the graphic for the post.
At the end of the period, make another screenshot to show what you have done.
Adjusting your template:
Download a copy of your template
Rename the file 1-7-10template.xml
Edit the template with Notepad++
Make the changes in Notepad++, then save the file.
Go back to the LAYOUT tab in Blogger, then choose EDIT HTML
Choose upload a template to put your new template up.
Click on the VIEW BLOG link to see what your changes look like.
If you would like something that can step you through the process, try this link:
here is a link to the series of posts:
Document today's work
Make a screen shot of your site before you make changes.
Start a ning post about what you are chaning for today.
Use the screenshot as the image for the post.
Upload your template at the end of the period as an attachment to your post.
Make another screenshot after you have worked on the site and upload it to your ning post.
Your site will need to have at least 10 posts on the topic of your theme.
If you write up a few posts over the weekend, you will be in good shape to meet the deadline.
SiteProject - SiteProjectGrading - SiteProjectAddresses
Notepad++ is a good program for editing very large coded documents.
It has syntax highlighting, and will let you see which parts of the markup match other parts.
It is a free program and easy to download.
Download it at this link: http://sourceforge.net/projects/notepad-plus/files/
After you have downloaded the installer, copy it to your Thawspace so you can get it next time.
Run the installer.
Open the program.
This will add menu item to your right-click menu. When you right click on a CSS, HTML or XML document, you will be able to edit it with Notepad ++
Last class you should have:
Made a screen shot of your site before making changes
Downloaded the original code from your template to your hard drive.
Made a copy of your code and renamed it with the day's date
Made a ning posting about
Write a description of what you did to change your site.
Write about what you would like to change next on the site.
This period, you will continue with the process of adjusting your site's look.
Make a new copy of your code with today's date in the title.
Read through the code on your template.
Adjust the value of the variables controlling the site.
A lot of the color and background variables are listed up at the top of the document.
The sizes and widths of the page elements are listed below in the CSS for the elements.
Use this iterative process:
- Find an element you want to change.
- Use Notepad ++ to change the code, leave a comment on the same line with the original values
- Save the template file
- upload the template file
- View the site and see what the changes look like.
- If you don't like what the changes are, then go back and change them again.
Show what you did:
Make a Ning post showing a screen shot of what the site looks like after you have adjusted it.
Describe what you did to change the site.
Print this post and hand it in.
SiteProject - SiteProjectGrading - SiteProjectAddresses
Building a CSS document for your site:
Why you should customize your site's style, and a brief How-To or two.
You might also want to check out these pages on the Blogger Site with options for customizing your site and your template.
Go into your Blogger account
Find a simple CSS skin for your site.
Select it to make it your default CSS
Go to your site and make a screenshot
Save the screenshot with today's date in the file name.
Change the way your site looks in Blogger
To edit your site's look and feel, you will need to go to the Edit HTML link in your settings menu.
This brings you to the template of your site. The template consists of a combination of HTML and CSS that are used to make the site look consistent.
You will see a window with CSS and HTML in it.
Above the window is a link for you to Download Full Template
Click on the link and save it to your hard drive.
You can also upload the file to your Ning blog for safekeeping.
The reason you want to download the template is that if you break it while you are working on it, you will want to have a backup copy.
You should back the template up in each session you work on it.
Go into the code and look for the section labels.
In each of these sections, there are controls in the code to define the display and behavior of the page elements.
Copy the code for the template
Make a new CSS document called SiteCSSJan10.css
Add a comment to the top of the code with your name, date and file name.
It should look like this:
To get started on customizing your template, look at the backgrounds.
You can change the color values pretty easily.
After you have changed the colors in a section of the template, upload your template.
Look at your blog and find the changes you have made.
After you have changed the colors to something you like (that isn't already in the template).
Add a comment to each line you change so you can keep track of what you have done to the template.
XML comments are the same as CSS comments:
// is a one line comment
/* and */ are for multiple line comments.
Keep in mind that you will need to have a minimum of 10 blog posts on your site. You will add other features as well. If you have time remaining, you should work on posting more info about your topic.
Show what you did:
Go to your site and make a screenshot of your blog so you can show what it looks like after the changes.
Post the screenshots from the before and after to your Ning Site
Write a description of what you did to change your site.
Write about what you would like to change next on the site.
Print your Ning post before the end of the period.
SiteProject - SiteProjectGrading - SiteProjectAddresses
You have your themes? You have written them on your Ning blog?
Here is a post written to set out a set of themes for Mr. Connors' personal blog: http://fussingwithstuff.com/2007/08/change-in-concept-fussing-with-stuff.html
In this post, you can see a departure from the rigid format of the previous theme, developed in the early days of podcasting. The newer format is much more open to interpretation and celebration of people doing clever things while they are Fussing With Stuff.
Create a title for your blog.
Ideally, you will create a unique word or combination of words that sums up your theme for the site.
Set up a blog using Blogger.com using your class handles (firstname lastintial web F09)
Choose a css template to get you started.
Add a link to your Angelfire index that brings you to the blogger address.
Write your first post.
Your first post should explain what you will be doing with the site, explain the theme of your work and what you hope to show and find out.
Print your first post and your angelfire index showing your new link.
Over vacation:
Experiment with your blog. Write at least three posts on your theme.
Learn about how to use the blogger system, which should be prettty easy.
Experiment with different visual styles.
We will work on the visuals and the posting more after vacation.
Have a great vacation!
SiteProject - SiteProjectGrading
In the Site Project you will be making a website around a theme. You'll be working today and tomorrow to select a theme for the project. The theme is important, because it will help you to know what choices you will need to make about visual appearance and editorial content of the site.
The grading sheet will tell you a bunch of the details about the project.
Today, you will need to identify three possible themes for your website. The themes will need to be accessible to a general audience, and appropriate for a school project.
You should pick a theme that is valuable to you personally, since this will help you to work more enthusiastically and quickly on the project.
Themes of websites
Every quality website has a set of underlying themes.
Choose several websites that you go to on a regular basis and think about the ideas that you see on those sites. What are the posts/articles/items about?
Look at the tags used on the site and see which ones are more represented than others.
Look over the front page of the website and notice the trends in the postings.
Most sites will have categories listed below the items, like on MAKE, others, like Gizmodo will show a 'hotness' indicator indicating the viewcount next to the stories (it is on the right).
Audience of websites
choose several different websites that you go to on a regular basis and check them out on http://www.quantcast.com/
Who are the people who visit these sites?
What can you tell about them from the statistics and demographics?
During the snow storm, people used the tags snowmageddon and snowpocalypse on their photos and uploads.
You can see other popular tags by looking at the Tag Cloud for Flickr.
Homework - did you bring back your progress report?
Missed some homework? Want to make it up? Do this, and get some replacement points!
- If you missed some homework assignments, and want to make them up do this:
- Look at the Blogging Project Topics page
- For each missed assignment, Choose two topics that you want to know more about
- Write a separate blog post on each topic.
- Follow the Blogging Guidelines, make sure that each has a picture, is at least 3 paragraphs long and has at least 3 links to information that helps you demonstrate the topic.
- Save the post.
- Print the code of the post
- Staple the sheets together, label it as make up work and hand it in
Stumble Upon
This is a neat social media system that presents you with a page that you might like. You then vote on how well you like it. The more you use the system, the more it will give you pages that you like. It's kind of like Pandora.com for web pages.
Here are some links to check it out:
Do this:
Try out the system:
Go to stumbleupon.com
Make an account using your class handle (FirstNameLastinitialwebF09)
Add a link to your Angelfire index that brings you to your StumbleUpon profile
Use the system to find some web pages that you like
Start with the pages at this link: Web Design Search of StumbleUpon
Find some pages that will help you learn more about Web Design
Rate at least 10 pages, at least 5 of which should be related to web design.
Blog it:
Write a blog post about Stumbleupon and the pages that you found by using the site. Use the BloggingGuidelines to make sure the post is done correctly.
Print the html of your post and hand it in before the end of the period
Homework makeup - For each missed assignment, choose two topics from this link BloggingProjectTopics
For each topic write a post following the BloggingGuidelines
Tags and how they work
What are tags?
How can you add tags to online materials?
What happens when you add tags to items online?
How can you make your work show up on search results?
Check out these pages for more information:
Example: duxtech
Search for duxtech, a word invented a couple of years ago.
You should see a variety of items that relate directly to this high school program.
In your delicious.com account, add tags to the bookmarks that you saved last class.
Also add tags to each of the blog postings that you have made on your ning blog.
Add bookmarks to these links to your delicious account.
Add the tag BlogTopic to these links
To do this, go to the Edit Posts link, and check out your list of posts.
Click on each one in turn, and edit it.
Add tags that describe the content of the page
On your index,
- add a link to your ning site
- add a link to your delicious account
Blog assignment:
Read through the above links, and do some searching about tags yourself.
After tagging your work on the ning site, do some searches.
Write a reflection about the process of using tags.
How easy/hard is it to add tags?
What is the benefit of having tags on your online work?
How do tags work for you as you use the web?
Print this and hand it in before the end of the period.
Use inline links. Link the word in the text, like this one to the DHS Web Design Ning site.
Include AT LEAST 3 links. You can add more links to relevant ideas.
Link to more than just the obvious stuff.
Write, don't just repeat facts you found.
Share your opinion and back it up with facts.
Feel free to write more than is required in the assignment.
Quoting or regurgitating facts is not the same as writing.
Check out this system: http://delicious.com/
Find out more about the system and how it can be used.
Make an account on the system using your class handle (first name last initial, web F09)
Use the system to find out about web design and design resources
Save links to at least 10 sites that you think will be worth checking out again
At least 8 of them should be about web design, tools, resources etc.
If you want to save more, then go for it.
Use Tags to help separate the ideas from one another. These tags are what will make your bookmarks useful by being searchable.
Print your first page of links by the second half of class.
Blog entry:
Write about what this system is, and how it is similar to other social media systems you have used.
Tell about your experience setting up the account and using it.
Tell how you might be able to use this system in the future.
Print this entry and hand it in before the end of the period.
Use inline links
Your links should be a word in the text that relates to the page you're linking to.
You should have at least three links in each post.
Your link should go to the actual page.
Use a photo.
You may need to resize the photo so it stays in the main div.
Put a link to the page where you got the photo below it.
Here is a list of Blogging Guidelines for you to follow as you write:
Topic for today:
Find out who these people are and tell a bit about why they are important.
Read up on the topic, write it, print it, hand it in.
Did you get the assignments from last class in?
Hand 'em in today for late credit.
Blogging on Ning
We will be using and refining blogging techniques for the remainder of the semester.
We will be doing other projects with HTML and CSS as well.
We will also be using social media systems.
Here is a list of Blogging Guidelines for you to follow as you write:
Write at least two blog posts today:
Print your entries and hand them in before the end of the period
Adding links to a blog post
Select a word in your text.
Click on the icon of a chain in the ning interface.
Paste the address of the web page you want to link to.
Press OK
Your selected word will now be a link.
Adding a photo to a blog post
In the ning interface, there is an icon of a camera.
Click on the camera icon.
You can upload a photo or give the url of a photo that is already online.
Your photo will appear in the post at the location the cursor was when you clicked on the camera icon.
Write a post today
Write a blog post on the subject of your choice:
Write at least three paragraphs about a web site about an activity you like.
Include at least three links to the site and articles on the site.
Include a photo at the top of the post.
Use proper spelling and capitalization.
Use Print Selection and hand it in by the end of the period.
In this multi-week project, we'll be using blogging techniques to create content online.
We'll use the Ning site as a common place where we can all post our writing.
Below is a list of websites that are worth going back to on a regular basis. They are written on a common theme of emerging technology and culture.
A lot of these sites have some common traits:
Each post is usually anchored with a photo or video at the top
They tell a story that points out some thing, device, person or idea that their readers are interested in.
They include links to other blogs or sites that back up the idea of the post.
They don't quote extensively from the original source site, a link is enough most of the time.
They are original writing, written in the author's voice.
They are written about topics that are appropriate to a wide range of people.
They are written in language that is appropriate to a wide range of people./
Check out the links below.
Write a blog post about the web sites that you visit on a regular (daily or weekly) basis.
You'll want to write your post at least 3 paragraphs long.
Include links to the sites that you are referencing.
Answer at least these questions:
What do you like about these sites?
What have you learned about from returning to these sites?
What have you noticed about the visual style of these sites?
Use Print Selection to put your post on paper before the end of the period.
Here are some sites that you should look to for examples of good ways to blog:
Plymouth Rock Studios uses Ning - http://www.hollywoodeasttv.com/
boingboing does a good job of keeping track of upcoming culture - http://boingboing.net/
Make helps connect people who are creating and customizing - http://blog.makezine.com/
hackaday features DIY projects and ideas - http://hackaday.com/
Engadget highlights emerging consumer electronics - http://www.engadget.com/
Gizmodo shows off neat and clever tech ideas - http://www.engadget.com/
Rocketboom is a daily video blog on a variety of topics - http://www.rocketboom.com/
the Makerbot blog features projects and people working with the Makerbot - http://blog.makerbot.com/
Fix your site's errors
check your work on the links page.
You say your links is missing? maybe you should send it along for a reduced grade on that assignment...
Your index should show up when you follow the link
Try the links and make sure they work
Look for pictures that won't load.
Look for pages that don't have a link to your index
The errors you find will need to be fixed so you have no dead links.
Fix the errors, upload the pages to the server, test them.
Help out your classmate
Check the work of the fourth person down on the list from your name
Use the headings on the AngelFireErrors page and make an email to the fourth person down on the class list.
Do the same process. AngelFireErrors
Send them an email with the pages/links/pictures that don't load properly
cc Mr. Connors on the email.
If you complete this early, you should work on CSS positioning and Classes
Make a template for a simple HTML page.
Include your name in the title, and in the Heading line in the body.
Have a link to your index
Test the page to make sure that it works.
Print the code when it works.
When you have the page working right, set it to read only.
Send the page to your Angelfire site.
Link to it from your index, upload your index
Use your first template to make a second page
Call the page blankcss.html
Check the CSS Cheat Sheet
Add the code in it for an embeded style sheet.
Add the code to the head for an external style sheet.
Test the code with one of your existing style sheets.
Add a few simple commands to the style sheet so that you can see it work.
Test the page to make sure that it works.
Print the code when it works.
When you have the page working right, set it to read only.
Send the page to your Angelfire site.
Link to it from your index, upload your index
CSS positioning and Classes
You can change the horizontal and vertical positioning of objects in CSS.
You can also create classes that help allow for more than one P DIV, UL, etc.
Build a 2 column layout using these techniques.
Follow the checklist on CSS positioning and Classes
CSS positioning and Classes
You can change the horizontal and vertical positioning of objects in CSS.
You can also create classes that help allow for more than one P DIV, UL, etc.
Build a 2 column layout using these techniques.
Follow the checklist on CSS positioning and Classes
Watch this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ILQrUrEWe8
Write a reflection on your Ning blog
- How does this trend affect the way you will use communication systems in the future?
- Are you using the systems that are mentioned in the video?
- How do you use these systems?
Print this and bring it in next class.
Web Design - DHS
CSS postioning
You can control the position of objects by using CSS.
Use the information at this link: http://webdesign.about.com/od/advancedcss/a/aa052200a.htm
Make a page that uses both relative and absolute positioning to control where three or more DIVs go. Use inline CSS to control the placement of the DIVs. Use and embedded style sheet to control the other stylistic appearances of the page.
Place text in at least one of the DIVs.
Answer this question:
What is the most important thing for people to be thankful for?
Keep these features in mind:
Your name in the title, and in the heading of the page
Use whitespace.
Name the page CSSPositioning.html
Save the page, upload it to your angelfire site and link to it from your index.
Take a look at the assignments for 11-17 through 11-25.
If you are not complete with these assigments, get them done today.
Web Design - DHS
Students should work on uploading their work to Angelfire.
When their work is up on the site, the next thing they need to do is make sure the site is working properly.
Check every link on every page.
Check that every photo loads.
If you find that a link does not work, fix it on the hard drive, and then upload the repaired page to the Angelfire server.
When you have uploaded all of your pages to Angelfire, and you have checked them all to make sure everything works, the next thing you will need to do is help each other check your pages.
To do this:
Pick a person who does not sit near you.
Have them send you a link to their site.
Go through every link on every page and check that they work.
Report broken links:
Make an email message to that person's class email account
If you find a link or picture that does not work, list the web address that it is on, for example: http://gretchenmwebf09.angelfire.com/colors.html
Tell which links do not work, for example: link to index.html, third picture doesn't load
Go through all the pages in this way.
Send the email to the person with a cc to duxtech@gmail.com.
Check through the sites of two people.
Fix your links and pictures that your classmates find errors on.
At the end of this process, your site should be working properly, and you should know which pages had problems that were fixed.
On your Ning Blog
Write a post about the process of using Angelfire
- What parts of using Angelfire are difficult to master?
- What is is like knowing that your web pages can be seen worldwide?
Include a link to your Angelfire site in the blog post.
Chrome OS
Watch this video: http://cnettv.cnet.com/google-chrome-os-demonstration/9742-1_53-50079788.html
On your Ning Blog, reflect on the video and answer these questions:
How will this change the way you use your mobile devices?
How will this change web design?
Print a copy of your blog entry (use print selection) and bring it to next class.
Web Design - DHS
Students should work on uploading their work to Angelfire.
When their work is up on the site, the next thing they need to do is make sure the site is working properly.
Check every link on every page.
Check that every photo loads.
If you find that a link does not work, fix it on the hard drive, and then upload the repaired page to the Angelfire server.
When you have uploaded all of your pages to Angelfire, and you have checked them all to make sure everything works, the next thing you will need to do is help each other check your pages.
To do this:
Pick a person who does not sit near you.
Have them send you a link to their site.
Go through every link on every page and check that they work.
Report broken links:
Make an email message to that person's class email account
If you find a link or picture that does not work, list the web address that it is on, for example: http://gretchenmwebf09.angelfire.com/colors.html
Tell which links do not work, for example: link to index.html, third picture doesn't load
Go through all the pages in this way.
Send the email to the person with a cc to duxtech@gmail.com.
Check through the sites of two people.
Fix your links and pictures that your classmates find errors on.
At the end of this process, your site should be working properly, and you should know which pages had problems that were fixed.
On your Ning Blog
Write a post about the process of using Angelfire
- What parts of using Angelfire are difficult to master?
- What is is like knowing that your web pages can be seen worldwide?
Include a link to your Angelfire site in the blog post.
Uploading To Angelfire
Uploading your web 1.0 site to Angelfire
You should have your Angelfire account set up at this point.
Upload your site
check your links and make sure they work.
Add a link to your Ning site in your status
How to make a blog post on Ning
Click on the +Add a Blog Post link in the upper right side of the Ning screen
Give it a title
Answer the question
You may want to add a photo that relates to the text.
When it is done, print a copy to hand in
Write a post in reflection to this article:
How has this system affected your life?
How has it affected your parents and grandparents?
What does this invention mean to you?
Use the directions above to make the post.
Include a link to the article in your post.
Printing a selection from a page
Highlight or select the text you want to print
Go to File, then Print
Check the box for Selection
Press OK
Angelfire sites:
make an account on Angelfire.com
Use your class user name (first name last initial semester course)
Update your status with a link to your Angelfire site address
Watch this video:
Write a blog post explaining in your own words how the web works
Print it and bring it in to next class.
Ning Customization
In the past class or so, you made an account on http://dhswebdesign.ning.com/
There are a number of reasons to like Ning:
You can customize your account so that your profile looks the way you want it to.
You can connect with other people on the network
You can join (or even create) another network with the same login
The interface is pretty easy to use and learn
Some important things to keep in mind while using online systems:
In class, you have created a new identity for your classwork. Keep the two separate.
Don't give out personally identifying information online
Behave yourself online - Be nice!
Show your best side online - Information you post online can last for a very long time.
Read these articles:
Take a look at this site:
On your Ning blog, write about internet safety.
Watch this video of Clay Shirkey on the power of social networking on the future - http://www.ted.com/talks/clay_shirky_how_cellphones_twitter_facebook_can_make_history.html
Write about it on your Ning blog.
How do social networks affect the world you live in?
How do the people around you use social networking?
Print this and bring it to next class.
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