Make accounts on Yahoo, Google and http://dhswebdesign.ning.com/
using your class user name.
Make an account on Angelfire.com using your class username
Examples: ParkerLWebF09 or KyleHWebF09
Explore these systems, in particular check out Ning, try them out and experiment with the user interfaces.
On your Ning account, create a blog entry.
Answer these questions:
What do you see in the features these systems?
What looks familiar and what looks new and interesting
Print your blog entry and hand it in.
Overview of term 2
Making accounts with online services
Use these guidelines in making accounts: http://duxtech.pbworks.com/ComputerBasedLearning
Username: FirstnameLastInitialCourseSemester
example: Nick Tolland in Web Design Fall 09 would be NickTWebF09@gmail.com
Make accounts with these systems:
If you still have work to complete on your web pages, use this time to get it done.
Completion checklist for All Three CSS
Work on the pages in AllThreeCSS
Practice controlling the page with all three, inline, embedded, external
Print your most completed page, which should show use of inline style, embedded style and external style.
Work on the pages in AllThreeCSS
Practice controlling the page with all three, inline, embedded, external
Print your most completed page, which should show use of inline style, embedded style and external style.
All Three CSS Checklist:
- Three pages made in HTML
- An external style Sheet
- Proper use of whitespace on the HTML and CSS
- All three pages link to the external style sheet
- Navigation system that links to each page and your index on each page
- Embedded style sheet on each page
- Inline Styles on each page
- Several paragraphs on your topic on each page
Do you have all your work handed in?
Take a look at the term checklist:
Web 1.0 Checklist
Work on the pages in AllThreeCSS
Practice controlling the page with all three, inline, embedded, external
Print your most completed page, which should show use of inline style, embedded style and external style.
Dramatization of the style sheets
Work on one of the pages in AllThreeCSS
Control the page with all three, inline, embedded, external
Print the page you work on this period and hand it in.
External Style AllThreeCSS pages
Make the style sheet
Call the sheet from the head of the pages
Use the external style sheet to control the body
margin-left: 200px;
background-color: gray;
font-family: sans-serif;
control the paragraph, add a background color and a border
These controls will give you a baseline to see that the external style sheet is controlling the pages.
Use the embedded style sheet to control the background pictures of the body
Use the inline style to control the background and pictures of the div on each page.
You will need several paragraphs with headings on each page
This period:
Work on one of the pages that you have not done much to.
Add the code to call the external style sheet.
The external style sheet does not need to do much at this point, change the body color, font-family, add a left margin.
On the page itself, use the embedded style to change
On the embedded style sheet, experiment with overriding the external style sheet
At the inline style level, you will override some of the features of the external and embedded style sheets
Exit question:
Explain how the control of the pages cascades in style sheets.
Inline Style control of pages.
You will control the main div that will contain your text. In particular, you'll control the background and image of the div.
You will need to write two to three paragraphs in a P on the topic of the pages.
These pages will help you master the concepts, and will point you to more information.
Hand in one of your pages today. It should have on it:
- The embedded style sheet.
- Use of inline styles to control the P and DIV
- A Basic Navigation system
Background colors and pictures
Build a site with copy and paste
Your AllThreeCSS pages need to have a navigation system that is easy to use and works consistently.
Go over quiz
hand back of graded material
80 or higher on quiz? You should be working on AllThreeCSS
Below 80, questions about css - Get them answered now.
Next time we will be working on MakingOnlineAccounts
CSS Quiz 2
The assignments that are due for this project are:
- Inline CSS
- Embedded Style Sheets
- External Style Sheets
- CSSInfo
- AllThreeCSS
Think Pair Share
What is the difference in the markup and technique between:
Inline CSS
Embedded CSS
External CSS
What is the difference in control over the style on pages and page elements between:
Inline CSS
Embedded CSS
External CSS
The assignments that are due for this project are:
- Inline CSS
- Embedded Style Sheets
- External Style Sheets
- CSSInfo
- AllThreeCSS
CSS test on Monday - 10 questions, similar to the pretest
CSS Review
Preparing for the CSS quiz.
What can you use CSS for?
Inline CSS
Embedded Style Sheets
External Style Sheets
Questions about CSS?
External Style Sheets
Quiz on CSS - Friday!
Base your studies on these projects:
Inline CSS
Embedded Style Sheets
External Style Sheets
External Style Sheets
Quiz on CSS - Friday
Survey on intelligence
Web 1.0 Checklist
Embedded Style Sheets
Go over Web Quiz
Style Sheets - CSS
Inline Style Sheets
Web Quiz
Work on your Index Page
Demo -Working with Text and Index page
Make an Index page
Make a Text Page
Make an Index Page
Parts of a web browser
Print your code and hand it in when it meets the checklist at the end of the project description.
Answer the questions on the Web Browser sheet.
Check in on your strengths and challenges
Review: Links
Practice on links page
Print code from pages
If your computer does not print, you can email it to yourself of to another person to print from another computer.
Intro to colors
Make a Colors Page
If you are having trouble, ask for help.
Online resources at w3schools.com are excellent Here is the one for links: http://w3schools.com/html/html_links.asp
Discission on WEB 1.0 site
Make a Links Page
Make a Text Page
HTML Cheat Sheet - http://www.addedbytes.com/cheat-sheets/html-cheat-sheet/
Make a Links Page
WEB 1.0 Site
How can we add photos to a web page?
How can we add links to a web page?
Make a Photos Page
Make a Links Page
How can we add style to our web pages?
What are some useful techniques for using the computer productively?
Style tags, Bold, Italic, Headline, hyperlink, tabs, alt tab, windows D, control tab
open the page you created yesterday.
Add three paragraphs:
Content of your page
Your page will have three paragraphs:
1 What was the most interesting thing that you did this summer?
2 What do you hope to do after high school?
3 How does this web page match up with the parts of the communication system?
source, encoder, transmitter, receiver, decoder, storage, retrieval, and destination
Text modification tags
In these paragraphs, you will use the tags for Bold, Underline and Italic to draw attention to words and short phrases.
Headline tags
Over each paragraph, you will write a brief description (3-5 words)
These will be modified by H tags, which are numbered 1-6.
When you are complete
As you make the page, you will save it and browse it to check your work.
When the page is complete or time runs out, you will save and print it.
You should also email the file to yourself or save it to a flash drive.
What are the fundamentals of electronic communications systems, and how can we make our own web page?
Explanation of communication systems
Introduction to HTML language
HTML markup and tags
Page structure
source, encoder, transmitter, receiver, decoder, storage, retrieval, and destination
browser, markup, notepad/text editor, HTML, tag, close tag, tabs, new folder, save, iterative process/design process
Mastery objective:
Students will know the basic parts of a communications system and how to build a web page
so that they can explain how the web page is a system of communication.
Make a web page as described below:
Set up a place to save your work
Build a basic web page that uses HTML strucuture.
Web Page structure
HTML starts first and ends last
The HEAD is next and holds the TITLE
The HEAD closes and is followed immediately by the BODY
The title is often repeated on the first line of the page
The content of the page appears
The BODY closes
HTML closes
Content of your page
Your page will have three paragraphs:
1 What was the most interesting thing that you did this summer?
2 What do you hope to do after high school?
3 How does this web page match up with the parts of the communication system?
source, encoder, transmitter, receiver, decoder, storage, retrieval, and destination
Text modification tags
In these paragraphs, you will use the tags for Bold, Underline and Italic to draw attention to words and short phrases.
Headline tags
Over each paragraph, you will write a brief description (3-5 words)
These will be modified by H tags, which are numbered 1-6.
When you are complete
As you make the page, you will save it and browse it to check your work.
When the page is complete or time runs out, you will save and print it.
You should also email the file to yourself or save it to a flash drive.
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